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Messages - gruve_p

BIP66 soft fork
Version 2.11.0 of Groestlcoin core fixes very important common vulnerabilities and exposures (classified as CVE-2015-3641) and all users MUST upgrade to this version as soon as possible. Deamons and QT wallets that are derived from Bitcoin and have a codebase prior to Bitcoin 0.10.2 needs to address this CVE as soon as possible.
To address this CVE, Groestlcoin used the BIP66 soft fork. The majority of the Groestlcoin miners have already upgraded to the latest version of Groestlcoin Core which activated the new BIP66 consensus rule. This soft fork was a two stage process where certain thresholds have been reached, consisting of the following conditions:

  • Once 75% of the last 1000 blocks are version 3, strict DER encoding for signatures will be enforced when new blocks are generated, preventing non-standard transactions from being included in them.
  • Once 95% of the last 1000 blocks are version 3, propagation of version 112 (aka 1) and version 2 blocks will be rejected from the network entirely.
From a users perspective, the change will be seamless and is purely a backed change. Older version (v2.1.0.6) is still compatible with the network, however it is extremely important that you upgrade to version 2.11.0 (link) if you haven't done so already due to the security fixes, new features and privacy enhancements.

If you're a miner, below you will find a list of the pools who have upgraded and the ones who haven't. If you're a miner on a pool which hasn't upgraded yet, please temporarily move your hashing power to another pool until they have upgraded otherwise mining version 112 (aka 1) blocks will be orphaned and you will generate no revenue.

The following pools have upgraded and enforce the new rules:

The following pools have not yet upgraded:
Please note that we will update this list as soon as any there are any updates.

The 75% threshold value was reached in approximately 6 days. The 95% threshold value was reached in approximately 10 days. As of last week the Groestlcoin network BIP66 soft fork is completed.

Bitcoin BIP66 Fork Incident
Bitcoin's BIP66 enforcement lead to a fork of the network once the 95% threshold had been reached. This was caused by mining pools representing half the hashing power of the network not validating blocks properly due to SPV mining, despite publishing v3 blocks and building on top of an invalid block leading to a 6 block deep fork. After the issue was identified, the miners corrected the issue and a block reorgonisation took place, orphaning the invalid fork.
We have discussed this issue with various pools and have confirmed that full validation nodes are being used. Despite this, we have been monitoring the network to make sure any issues were promptly dealt with. More details about the incident can be found here.
Double Groestl:
Block headers
Alert Messages

Single SHA256:
Message Signing
Transaction Signatures

Double SHA256:
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Symbol = F
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Hex value = 0x24
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Decimal = 36
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Lead Symbol = 3
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Hex value : 0x05
Groestlcoin script hash (P2SH address) Decimal : 5
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Symbol = 5
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Hex value = 0x80
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Decimal = 128
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Symbols = K or L
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Hex value = 0x80
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Decimal = 128
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey lead symbol = xpub
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Hex value: 0x0488b21e
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Decimal: 4 136 178 30
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key lead Symbol = xprv
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Hex value: 0x0488ade4
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Decimal: 4 136 173 228
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic Hex value: 0xf9beb4d4
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic bytes = \xF9\xBE\xB4\xD4
Groestlcoin hrp = grs
P2P port: 1331
RPC port: 1441
Groestlcoin Genesis hash hex = 0x00000ac5927c594d49cc0bdb81759d0da8297eb614683d3acb62f0703b639023
Groestlcoin Genesis hash =
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash hex = 0x3ce968df58f9c8a752306c4b7264afab93149dbc578bd08a42c446caaa6628bb
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash =

Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Symbol = m or n
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Hex value = 0x6F
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Decimal = 111
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Lead Symbol = 2
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Hex value : 0xC4
Groestlcoin script hash (P2SH address) Decimal : 196
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Symbol = 9
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Hex value = 0xEF
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Decimal = 239
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Symbols = c
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Hex value = 0xEF
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Decimal = 239
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey lead symbol = tpub
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Hex value: 0x043587CF
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Decimal: 4 53 135 207
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key lead Symbol = tprv
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Hex value: 0x04358394
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Decimal: 4 53 131 148
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic Hex value: 0x0b110907
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic bytes = \x0B\x11\x09\x07
Groestlcoin hrp = tgrs
P2P port: 17777
RPC port: 17766
Groestlcoin Genesis hash hex = 0x000000ffbb50fc9898cdd36ec163e6ba23230164c0052a28876255b7dcf2cd36
Groestlcoin Genesis hash =
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash hex =  0x3ce968df58f9c8a752306c4b7264afab93149dbc578bd08a42c446caaa6628bb
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash =   

Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Symbol = m or n
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Hex value = 0x6F
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Decimal = 111
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Lead Symbol = 2
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Hex value : 0xC4
Groestlcoin script hash (P2SH address) Decimal : 196
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Symbol = 9
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Hex value = 0xEF
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Decimal = 239
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Symbols = c
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Hex value = 0xEF
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Decimal = 239
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey lead symbol = tpub
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Hex value: 0x043587CF
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Decimal: 4 53 135 207
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key lead Symbol = tprv
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Hex value: 0x04358394
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Decimal: 4 53 131 148
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic Hex value: 0xfabfb5da
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic bytes = \xFA\xBF\xB5\xDA
Groestlcoin hrp = grsrt
P2P port: 18888
RPC port: 18443
Groestlcoin Genesis hash hex = 0x000000ffbb50fc9898cdd36ec163e6ba23230164c0052a28876255b7dcf2cd36
Groestlcoin Genesis hash =
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash hex =  0x3ce968df58f9c8a752306c4b7264afab93149dbc578bd08a42c446caaa6628bb
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash =   

Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Symbol = m or n
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Hex value = 0x6F
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Decimal = 111
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Lead Symbol = 2
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Hex value : 0xC4
Groestlcoin script hash (P2SH address) Decimal : 196
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Symbol = 9
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Hex value = 0xEF
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Decimal = 239
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Symbols = c
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Hex value = 0xEF
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Decimal = 239
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey lead symbol = tpub
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Hex value: 0x043587CF
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Decimal: 4 53 135 207
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key lead Symbol = tprv
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Hex value: 0x04358394
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Decimal: 4 53 131 148
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic Hex value: 0x6f892b8f
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic bytes = \x6F\x89\x2B\x8F
Groestlcoin hrp = tgrs
P2P port: 31331
RPC port: 31441
Groestlcoin Genesis hash hex = 0x0000007fcaa2a27993c6cde9e7818c254357af517b876ceba2f23592bb14ab31
Groestlcoin Genesis hash =
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash hex =  0x3ce968df58f9c8a752306c4b7264afab93149dbc578bd08a42c446caaa6628bb
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash =

A new major Groestlcoin Core version 2.11.0 is now available for download bringing both new features and bug fixes, so it is recommended to upgrade to it if you are running a full Groestlcoin node or a local Groestlcoin Core wallet.

v2.11.0 is now the official release version of Groestlcoin Core. On top of the new features, this update contains very important security fixes and all users MUST upgrade to this version as soon as possible. Pool operators, P2Pool and solo miners especially, as once BIP 66 is enforced, blockversion 112 (aka 1) and blockversion 2 will be rejected from the network entirely and only blockversion 3 will be accepted.

What's new in version v2.11.0?
This is a major release of Groestlcoin Core, featuring the technical equivalent of Bitcoin v0.11.0 but with Groestlcoin specific patches. On a general level, most of what is new is is hidden where block synchronization and various internals are considerably faster and more efficient, and it has several major privacy improvements.  The most significant changes include:
• Qt dependency changed. Version upgraded to 5.5.
• OpenSSL dependency changed. Version upgraded to 1.0.2a (19 March 2015).
• BerkeleyDB dependency changed. Version for Windows and MAC upgraded to 5.3.21 (11 May 2012).
• Protocolversion changed to 70002
• Blockversion 112 interpreted as version 1. All new blocks will have blockversion 3, but v2.11.0 clients will also accept blockversion 1 (v112) and blockversion 2 blocks until 95% of all blocks will be blockversion 3. After this moment all blockversion 1 and blockversion 2 will be rejected.
• All possible languages added.
• New alert keys added.
• Canonical name for .GroestlCoin in UNIX changed to use all lowercase: .groestlcoin.
• Extra main seeds added.
• New testnet created.
• Comes now with a installer.
• Transaction-URL support of third parties blockexplorers.
• Coin control support.
• Ability to open Groestlcoin URI or payment request.
• Ability to spent unconfirmed coins.
• Ability to see receive and send addresses.
• Groestlcoin-cli. Another change in the v2.11.0 release is moving away from the groestlcoind executable functioning both as a server and as a RPC client. The RPC client functionality ("tell the running groestlcoin daemon to do THIS") was split into a separate executable, 'groestlcoin-cli'.
• Transaction malleability-related fixes
• Autotools build system. For v2.11.0 we switched to an autotools-based build system instead of individual makefiles. Using the standard "./; ./configure; make" to build Groestlcoin-Qt and Groestlcoind makes it easier for experienced open source developers to contribute to the project.
• Rebranding to Groestlcoin Core. To reduce confusion between Groestlcoin-the-network and Groestlcoin-the-software we have renamed the reference client to Groestlcoin Core.
• OP_RETURN and data in the block chain support.
• Standard script rules relaxed for P2SH addresses.
• Watch-only wallet support. This allows the wallet to track transactions to and form wallets for which you know the address of but do not have the private key to.
• Memory usage optimization. There have been many changes in this release to reduce the default memory usage of a node.
• Experimental support for big-endian CPU architectures was added in this release.
• Privacy: Stream isolation for Tor. This release adds functionality to create a new circuit for every peer connection, when the software is used with Tor.
• Privacy: Disable wallet transaction broadcast
• Block file pruning for nodes (without wallet). This release supports running a fully validating node without maintaining a copy of the raw block and undo data on disk. Pruning is disabled by default.
• Faster blockchain synchronization due to headers-first synchronization and support for downloading blocks in parallel. Downloading the blockchain is now much quicker and can be completed within a half hour instead of taking hours for some users.
• A REST interface which allows unauthenticated access to public node data when the -rest flag is specified.
• RPC Server "Warm-Up" Mode which starts earlier than previous versions. This helps users or services relying on it know that the server has already started and will be available soon.
• Improved signing security. This is due to using the libsecp256k1 library for signing instead of OpenSSL. libsecp256k1 is a cryptographic library optimized for elliptic curve uses which Groestlcoin relies on and was created by Bitcoin Core developer Pieter Wuille. Featuring better security, via hardening against timing leaks and derandomization, this library is believed to be better tested and more thoroughly reviewed than the implementation in OpenSSL.
• Improved algorithm used for fee estimation. This release automatically estimates how high a transaction fee (or how high a priority) transactions require to be confirmed quickly.
• Consensus library. Starting from v2.11.0, the Groestlcoin Core distribution includes a consensus library. The purpose of this library is to make the verification functionality that is critical to Groestlcoin's consensus available to other applications, e.g. alternative node implementations.
• New utility applications including groestlcoin-tx for transaction related functionality and groestlcoin-cli for RPC command line functionality as groestlcoind no longer accepts them.
• Strict DER encoding for signatures (BIP 66). This introduces block version 3 and a new consensus rule which prevents non-standard transactions from being included in blocks. This also removes the dependency on OpenSSL's signature parsing. Eventually, libsecp256k1 will be used for all consensus related tasks, depreciating the need for OpenSSL entirely.
• RPC Access Changes. RPC access now supports binary network addresses. This means that you can specify a single IP address, a CIDR network address or a netmask for accessing the RPC service. Please note, wildcard string matching no longer works and will display an error in the debug.log file when you attempt to use use a wildcard string in the rpcallowip= variable, either as a config setting or launch parameter. Note: IPv6 addresses can also be used.
• Added option -alerts' to opt out of the network alert system. Please note that disabling network alerts should only be used by power users as this system is used for network emergencies and important security releases. The default behavior is that network alerts are enabled.
• Detect and reject LibreSSL. This prevents a non-approved SSL library being used for compiling Groestlcoin Core, preventing potential consensus compatibility issues.
• Improved getbalance RPC functionality to allow the user to display zero confirmation transactions (this works with watch-only addresses as well).

It is appreciated if feedback of the following is provided:
1. Can you receive coins? (small amounts to avoid losing them)
2. Can you send coins?
3. Can you view your transaction on a third party blockexplorer (restart the client after entering the url of the blockexplorer) ?
4. Can you use the wallet with TOR?
5. Are you able to backup your wallet (wallet.dat) file?
6. Are you able to encrypt your wallet (wallet.dat) file?
7. Are you able to use watch-only function?
8. How long does it take to fully synchronize?
9. Are you able to sign/verify messages?
10. Are you able to see you send/receive addresses?
11. Are you able to use the wallet in your local language?

The application may have unfound bugs and problems. Please report using the issue tracker at github:

• There is no warranty and no party shall be made liable to you for damages. If you lose coins due to this app, no compensation will be given. Use this app solely at your own risk.
• Encrypt your wallet. This can be done by clicking the settings menu from inside the wallet. Make sure your password is secure and do not forget it.
• Make a copy your wallet.dat file as a backup and move it to a secure location:
Location Windows: Navigate to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\groestlCoin\wallet.dat (or open windows explorer and enter %appdata%\Groestlcoin\wallet.dat)
Location Mac: Finder -> Go {Hold Option] -> Library -> groestlcoin -> wallet.dat (~/Library/Application Support/groestlcoin/wallet.dat)

While this branch has been extensively tested to be compatible with the existing Groestlcoin v2.1.0.6 network there is the possibility that we missed something. BACKUP YOUR GROESTLCOIN DATA DIRECTORY and wallet.dat because after you run v2.11.0 the old v2.1.0.6 version is no longer compatible with your on-disk data. Without this your node will need start syncing (or importing from bootstrap.dat) anew afterwards. It is possible that the data from a completely synchronised v2.11.0 node may be usable in older versions as-is, but this is not supported and may break as soon as the older version attempts to reindex. Because release v2.11.0 makes use of headers-first synchronization and parallel block download, the block files and databases are not backwards-compatible with older versions of Groestlcoin Core or other software:
• Blocks will be stored on disk out of order (in the order they are received), which makes it incompatible with some tools or other programs. Reindexing using earlier versions will also not work anymore as a result of this.
• The block index database will now hold headers for which no block is stored on disk, which earlier versions won't support.

How to Upgrade?
If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the installer (on Windows) or just copy over /Applications/Groestlcoin-Qt (on Mac).
Linux users: Canonical name for .GroestlCoin in Linux is changed to use all lowercase: .groestlcoin. Please make a link as a solution: ln .GroestlCoin .groestlcoin and rename the GroestlCoin.conf to groestlcoin.conf.  And copy over groestlcoind/Groestlcoin-qt.

Download the Windows Wallet (64 bit) here:
Download the Windows Wallet (32 bit) here:
Download the MAC Wallet here:

Source code:
Build instructions for Linux can be found here:
Build instructions for OSX can be found here:
Build instructions for Windows can be found here:

Groestlcoin Multisig is a powerful account management and secure storage tool for Groestlcoin. It features decentralized offline key generation, offline signing, watch-only shared wallets, fast multidevice synchronization, full support for BIP32 (hierarchical deterministic wallets), and general m-of-n multisignature transactions. It has many applications, from secure cold storage for individuals to enterprise-wide accounts that can be deployed and monitored across entire organizations. A Multisig wallet for Windows, MacOS and Linux with the security of a full node.

If you need an interactive desktop application for transacting on the Groestlcoin network supporting m-of-n signature policies and multiuser/multidevice account management Groestlcoin multisig is the right choice for you!

• Groestlcoin Multisig also lets the user configure the wallet to use a local full node such as Groestlcoin-qt and Groestlcoin-wpf.
• Create invoices for your enterprise.
• Accounts can be configured to allow any number of authorised and necessary signatures, dependent on the signing policy a company wishes to implement. For example, a company might create a signing policy with 5 authorised signatures of which a minimum of 3 would be required to broadcast a transaction. Once the required signatures have been obtained, Groestlcoin Multisig broadcasts the transaction to the Groestlcoin network.
• Has no standard public address. The wallet will always use a pay to script hash address (p2sh), even if it is only 1 of 1.
• Feels more like a encryption key management system than a wallet.
• Built atop three custom libraries, CoinCore, CoinQ, and CoinDB, which provide all core functionality for managing Groestlcoin data structures, connecting to peers and handling persistent storage.
• The wallet can support up to 8-of-8 addresses for signing transactions.
• An enterprise level wallet functioning similar to Armory.
• Easy to install - It includes default options for the most common configurations. It has been designed with a logically-organized and uncluttered graphical interface that clearly presents the most important user functions and relevant user data.
• Offers both secure enterprise-level solutions and straightforward single-user account management. From the start it was designed to support shared multisignature account policies using hierarchical deterministic keychains. It supports the best securiry practices in the industry and is rated amongst the most secure wallets by our team. Generate private keychains offline, safely share public keychains, and create joint accounts with m-of-n signature policies. Export private keychains or print them for secure backup.
• Built over a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) platform, and fully supports enterprise-wide policies, as well as keychain and account management. It can easily handle a virtually unlimited number of keys, and new accounts can quickly and easily be created and synchronized from many devices.
• Very fast - It is natively compiled C++. It also features simplified payment verification (SPV), eliminating the need to download the full blockchain to achieve network synchronization. For those who desire the security of their own full validation node, can connect to any node that speaks the Groestlcoin protocol.
• No Lock-In - You can export your private keys.
• Quick and easy to install across all major desktop operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux).
• Secure by design - all private keys are kept encrypted on your local machine (or on a USB stick).
• Import and export your private keys or seeds.
• Encrypted wallet - the file that contains your groestlcoins is protected with a password. You are protected from thieves.
• Deterministic key generation - If you lose your wallet, you can recover it from its seed. You are protected from your own mistakes.
• No single point of failure - The code is open source and can run with your own local full node.
• Transactions are signed locally - Your private keys are not shared with the server. You do not have to trust the server with your money.
• Free software - Anyone can audit the code.
• Proof Checking - Groestlcoin Multisig verifies all the transactions in your history using full node.
• Cold Storage - Keep your private keys offline, and go online with a watching-only wallet. Sign transactions from a computer that is always offline. Broadcast them from a machine that does not have your keys.
• Multisign - Split the permission to spend your coins between several wallets using parallel BIP32 derivations and P2SH addresses. Compact serialization format for unsigned or partially signed transactions, that includes the BIP32 master public key and derivation needed to sign inputs.

Groestlcoin Multisig Concepts
• Vaults - Vaults are files with extension .vault containing accounts, keychains, and transaction history. They can be opened directly in Groestlcoin Multisig and constitute the basic document type that Groestlcoin Multisig can create and edit.
• Keychains - Keychains are collections of private and/or public keys generated deterministically from a master seed using BIP32. They can be imported and exported to and from Groestlcoin Multisig as files with extensions .priv and .pub respectively. Every keychain can be given an arbitrary name and has a hash that is uniquely determined by the master seed and remains fixed.
• Accounts - Accounts are logically grouped collections of deposit addresses generated deterministically from a set of keychains and an m-of-n policy. The account balance consists of all the transaction outputs spendable using the aforementioned keychains subject to the m-of-n policy. Each distinct account contains a separate set of addresses that always remain part of that account. Addresses are generated by using keychain sequences/trees in parallel. Public keys are sorted lexicographically in the redeemscript. Accounts also have a starting timestamp that indicates how far back in the blockchain we should look when scanning for transactions. Shared accounts, a.k.a. watch-only accounts, are accounts that have been stripped of all private keys. They can only be used to monitor transactions, not to spend.

How To use Groestlcoin Multisig:
1. Create a new vault file.
From the File menu, select "New Vault..." – or alternately, click on the toolbar button. You will be prompted to pick a name for your vault file. Create a new folder for your vault files, make sure to use the file extension ".vault" and then save.
2. Create an account by either using the wizard or manually.

From the Accounts menu, select "Account Wizard..." – or alternately, click on the button in the toolbar. You will be asked for an account name and an account policy. If you just want a simple account, leave the policy as 1 of 1.
NOTE: Groestlcoin Multisig always uses pay-to-script-hash addresses, which begin with the character 3 in Groestlcoin, even for 1 of 1 accounts.
For multisignature accounts: on the left select the minimum number of signatures required to sign transactions from the account. On the right select the total number of keychains to use for the account. An account will automatically be created for you along with a new set of keychains.

MANUALLY (advanced)
From the Keychains menu, select "New Keychain..." – or alternately, click on the toobar button. You will be prompted to name the keychain. Pick whatever name you want.
Repeat step 2 to create multiple keychains if desired.
Right-click on any keychain in the Keychains tab and select "Export Private Keychain..." to make backups of the keychain. Select "Export Public Keychain..." to export a file you can share with other people or devices that you wish to make part of the account.Using the same menu, select "Import keychain..." to import public or private keychains from file.
Click "New Account" button on toolbar. Check the keychains you wish to use to sign for the account, then select the minimum signatures required. The creation time defaults to your system clock – it is used to determine how far back in the blockchain to scan. Make sure the creation time precedes the first transaction made to the account.

You'll see the new account appear in the Accounts tab. Right-click the account to get a popup menu. Select "Export Account..." to backup the account to file – this backup will include any private keys you have. To export the public watch-only account, select "Export Shared Account..." instead. You'll be able to import this file on another device where you can view all activity with signing functionality completely disabled.

3. Connect to network.
By default, Groestlcoin Multisig will attempt to connect to our Groestlcoin node running on If you don't want to run a full node beside this program, leave this setting alone. If you would prefer to connect to a local Groestlcoin node (i.e. a local running instance of Groestlcoin-Qt or Groestcloin-wpf), you can change the IP address to localhost and port under Network->Settings...(File->Preferences ... on Mac).
NOTE: Groestlcoin Multisig only connects via the peer-to-peer protocol and does not require any special RPC access to other nodes.
At the bottom right of the main window, you should see two numbers followed by an icon. The two numbers tell you the blockchain synchronization state. The top number is how many blocks are stored in your vault file, the bottom number is how many blocks were in the blockchain the last time you synchronized. If you have not connected to the network before, it should read 0/0 and the icon should display a red X.
Make sure the Groestlcoin node to which you're connecting (i.e. Groestlcoin-Qt) is synchronized, then select "Connect to <host>" from the Network menu – or click the "Connect" button from the toolbar. If the connection is successful, you should see the bottom number rise, then you should see the top number rise until they are the same. While this happens, the icon will contain a rotating arrow in an orange circle. Once the vault is synched, the icon will turn green.

4. Fund the account
Select the Accounts tab. In it you should see the account you just created. Make sure the account is selected. Click on the "Receive" toolbar button. You will be asked to give the payment a label and specify an amount – these are optional. Click the "New Invoice" button. At the bottom of the dialog you will see Script Details. On the right you'll get a QR code. Copy the "Address" from there and send a payment to it from another wallet. If successful, you should see the account balance credited the deposited amount.

5. View your transaction
Make sure the account is selected in the Accounts tab. Then select the Transactions tab. In it you should see the deposit you just made. Right-click on the transaction and select "View at" to open up a browser and view the transaction details.

6. Unlock keychains
In the Keychains tab, you must right-click the keychains you want to use to sign transactions and click "Unlock keychain..." from pop-up menu. Once unlocked, the keychains can be used to sign repeatedly within a session. When the program is closed and reopened, the keychains will again need to be unlocked. This is a security feature.
You will have the option to set a keychain passphrase. This will encrypt the keychain – the decrypted keychain will only be kept in memory while the keychain is unlocked. When exporting the keychain or account to file, only the encrypted keychain will be saved.
VERY IMPORTANT: IF YOU FORGET YOUR PASSPHRASE, TOO BAD! You might want to write down the passphrase and save it in a different location from where you store the encrypted keychain backups.

7. Send your first payment
Select the Accounts tab. Make sure the account from which you want to send is selected. Click the "Send" toolbar button. You will be asked to specify a fee, an address, an amount, and a label (For). A fee is generally required by the Groestlcoin network for transactions involving outputs smaller than 0.02 GRS, so if you're sending very small amounts it is recommended to use a fee of at least 0.0005 GRS. A higher fee tends to result in faster confirmation times, but exact confirmation time cannot be predicted. Once you've entered the transaction information, click "Save Unsigned". The unsigned transaction will appear at the top of the Transactions tab. Right-click it and select "Signatures..." to open the signature dialog. At the top you'll see the unsigned transaction hash as well as the number of signatures that are still required. Right-click a keychain and select "Add signature..." to sign for that keychain. NOTE: You can only sign for keychains for which you have the private master key. From the same popup menu, you can select "Export Transaction To File..." and "Import Transaction From File...". Use these commands to share unsigned or partially signed transactions as files with other people or other devices. Any added signatures get merged into the transaction when you import it. Once the minimum signatures required by your m-of-n policy have been added you'll have the option to send the transaction to the network by right-clicking it and selecting "Send Transaction".

It is appreciated if feedback of the following is provided:
1. Can you receive coins? (small amounts to avoid losing them)
2. Can you send coins?
3. Can You create invoices?
4. Does the watch-only function works?
5. Can you use the wallet without running a local node?
6. Can you use the wallet running with a local node?

There is no warranty and no party shall be made liable to you for damages. If you lose coins due to this app, no compensation will be given. Use this app solely at your own risk.

The application may have unfound bugs and problems. To leave feedback: 
1. PM me
2. Email: [email protected]
3. Post reports of errors in this topic.

Groestlcoin Multisig uses a filename .vault instead of wallet.dat (like in Groestlcoin Core). Back up your files by making a copy of it and moving it to a secure location.

You can download it using the links below and be up and running with Groestlcoin in 5 minutes.
Compile the Linux wallet:
Download the OSX DMG Wallet here:
Download the Windows Wallet (64 bit) here:
Download the Windows Wallet (32 bit) here:

Source code: - The Groestlcoin Multisig Wallet Source code

Aegis Groestlcoin Wallet is developed using the highest standards in the fields of cryptography and information security. It utilises proven security algorithms and protocols to deliver you a first class application/system and user experience. Its main advantages over the original Groestlcoin Android wallet include support for android wear, watch address, NFC tag as encryption and sending GRS over SMS.

If you want to use your android wearables, track a watch address, use a NFC tag as encryption or send GRS over SMS then Aegis GroestlCoin wallet is the way to go!

• NFC Security - Store your encryption key separate on an NFC tag.
• Keys are encrypted on the device at all times
• Active GroestlCoin Wallet - Balance and transactions are continuously updated in real-time
• If your phone is lost or stolen, your GRS is safe due to encryption
• New user interface that is easy to use
• Import of private keys
• Watch addresses - Track watch addresses
• SMS support - If you don't know a person's Groestlcoin address, you can put in their mobile number and they will receive an SMS telling them to reply with their Groestlcoin address. Once they reply, Aegis will take the address and ask you to confirm. The Aegis Wallet app does not read your SMS messages or send them to any place
• Android wear support - Support for android wear notifications, receive address, display qr code and balance
• Backup your Groestlcoins securely using the Aegis Backup feature, then restore your wallet when needed
• Transparant - Aegis Groestlcoin Wallet is free and open source

It is appreciated if feedback of the following is provided:
1. Can you receive coins? (small amounts to avoid losing them)
2. Can you send coins?
3. Can you scan a QR code from another phone?
4. Can you send GRS over SMS?
5. Does it calculate exchange rates properly?
6. How fast is a transaction?
7. Can you use a NFC tag as encryption without problems?
8. Is the watch-only function working properly?
9. Is your android wear working fine with Aegis Groestlcoin wallet?

Store your secret phrase somewhere safe!

To close the app, simply press the back button until you reach your home screen.  The app will close itself (there is no need for a disconnect option). This application is licensed under the GPL version 3. There is no warranty and no party shall be made liable to you for damages. If you lose coins due to this app, no compensation will be given. Use this app solely at your own risk.

The application may have unfound bugs and problems. To leave feedback: 
1. PM hashengineering on bitcointalk:;u=155038
2. Email: [email protected]
3. Reports of errors can also be posted in this topic.

Aegis Groestlcoin wallet is available in the Google play store:

Source code: - Groestlcoin Java Library for Aegis Groestlcoin wallet - The Aegis GroestlCoin wallet

Electrum-grs Android is a lightweight "thin client" groestlcoin Android wallet based on a client-server protocol. Its main advantages over the original Groestlcoin Android wallet include support for not requiring to sync with the blockchain.

In order to bring Groestlcoin to the mainstream masses the Electrum-grs Android wallet (v0.5.22) is ready for testing. The app allows you to send and receive Groestlcoins on your device without syncing the blockchain. When using this app, please store your secret phrase and email them to yourself! Then your coins can be retrieved even if you loose your phone. Furthermore, this puts the user in total control of their funds at any given time.

Electrum-grs Android implementations:
BIP-0032 to implement a hierarchical deterministic wallet
BIP-0039 to implement a mnemonic code of mnemonic sentence for the generation of deterministic wallets (process for turning in into a BIP-0032 seed)

• Exchange rates for various national currencies
• Manual receiving address management (enable in settings)
• Wallet only needs to be backed up once, on initial creation.
• Wallet backup consists of simple list of 12 common words (BIP-0039).
• Empty the wallet with 1 click
• Automatic connectivity management with fast reconnects and detection of network change
• Password protect your recovery phrase
• Top security - Electrum-grs uses bank grade technology. Your money is kept safe by guaranteeing that your private keys will never leave your gadget. The user has absolute control
• Warning if there are no connections to the Electrum-GRS servers
• Click on any addresses to edit the label or copy it
• Support payment URIs requests from browsers and other apps

It is appreciated if feedback of the following is provided:
1.  Can you receive coins? (small amounts to avoid losing them)
2.  Can you send coins?
3.  Can you scan a QR code from another phone.
4.  Can you request coins via email or other android service?
5.  Does it calculate exchange rates properly?
6.  How fast is a transaction?

Store your secret phrase somewhere safe!

To close the app, simply press the back button until you reach your home screen.  The app will close itself (there is no need for a disconnect option). This application is licensed under the GPL version 3. There is no warranty and no party shall be made liable to you for damages. If you lose coins due to this app, no compensation will be given. Use this app solely at your own risk.

The application may have unfound bugs and problems. To leave feedback: 
1. PM hashengineering on bitcointalk:;u=155038
2. Email: [email protected]
3. Reports of errors can also be posted in this topic.

Groestlcoin-GRS Android is available in the Google play store:

Source code: - Groestlcoin Java Library (for the Android App and possibly other software) - Groestlcoin Android Electrum-grs

Groestlcoin-wpf is an alternative full node client with optional lightweight "thin client" mode based on WPF. WPF, which stands for Windows Presentation Foundation, is Microsoft's latest approach to a GUI framework, used with the .NET framework. Its main advantages over the original Groestlcoin client include support for exporting blockchain.dat, and lite wallet mode which does not requiring the download of the entire block chain.

If you want an alternative full node wallet and simply want a wallet that just works without hassle, then groestlcoin-wpf is the right choice for you.

• Works via TOR or SOCKS5 proxy
• Can use bootstrap.dat format as blockchain database
• Import/Export blockchain to/from bootstrap.dat
• Import wallet.dat from Groestlcoin-qt wallet
• Export wallet to wallet.dat or xml format
• Use both groestlcoin-wpf and groestlcoin-qt with the same addresses parallely. When you send money from one program, the transaction will automatically be visible on the other wallet.
• Rescan blockchain with a simple mouse click
• Works as a full node and listens to port 1331 (listening port can be changed)
• Fast Block verifying, parralel processing on multi-core CPUs
• Mine Groestlcoins with your cpu by a simple mouse click
• All private keys are kept encrypted on your local machine (or on a USB stick)
• Lite - Has a lightweight "thin client" mode which does not require a new user to download the entire Groestlcoin chain and store it
• Easy - no need to search for extra nodes and edit the conf file
• Free and decentralised - Open Source under GNU license

GroestlCoin-WPF Database Modes
• Normal mode - Customized DBLite library format. It uses persistent HashTable with parallel transactions. Non-compatible with other wallets. groestlcoin-wpf is set to 'normal mode' by default.
• Bootstrap mode - It is a flat, binary file containing Groestlcoin blockchain data, from the genesis block through a recent height. All versions automatically validate and import the file "grs.bootstrap.dat" in the grs directory. Grs.bootstrap.dat is compatible with Qt wallet. GroestlCoin-Qt can load from it.
• Lite (SPV) mode - Lite mode brings lightning-fast syncing with the Groestlcoin blockchain. Design based on the principles of the "Simplified Payment Verification" or "SPV" system outlined in section 8 of Satoshi's Whitepaper. We've integrated optional lite functionality within the wallet.

It is appreciated if feedback of the following is provided:
1. Can you receive coins? (small amounts to avoid losing them)
2. Can you send coins?
3. Can you view your transaction on the blockexplorer?
4. Can you use the wallet with TOR?
5. Are you able to import your groestlcoin-qt (wallet.dat) file?
6. Are you able to export bootstrap.dat?
7. How long does it take to fully synchronize on normal and lite mode?

This application is licensed under the GNU license. There is no warranty and no party shall be made liable to you for damages. If you lose coins due to this app, no compensation will be given. Use this app solely at your own risk.

The application may have unfound bugs and problems. To leave feedback: 
1. PM me
2. Email: [email protected]
3. Post reports of erros in this topic.

GroestlCoin-WPF uses a filename wallet.db instead of wallet.dat (like in Groestlcoin-QT)
Location Windows: Navigate to C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\GroestlCoin-WPF (or open windows explorer and enter %appdata%\GroestlCoin-WPF) and back up your wallet.db file by making a copy of it and moving it to a secure location.

You can download it using the links below.
Download the Windows Wallet (64 bit) here:
Download the Windows Wallet (32 bit) here:

Source code: - The GroestlCoin-WPF Wallet Source code

Groestlcoin Easyminer is a software package designed to remove all the painstaking, torturous technological spellcastings an average person feels they have to perform in order to mine Groestlcoin. The Easy Miner package includes the latest auto-tuning mining software for Groestlcoin and Electrum-GRS wallet for fast and easy access to mined coins.

If you want an easy miner with no massive hunting for proper configuration files based on their GPU model then Groestlcoin Easyminer is the right choice for you.

• Built-in autotuning mechanism - auto-tunes itself on the fly according to the user's CPU or GPU capacities
• No searching for pools and figuring out how to join
• No need to edit bat files
• No hours of loading of their Groestlcoin wallet before they can use it or start seeing payments come in
• Excellent support - It works with all cpu's and gpu's
• Real easy - One file to click at
• The program prompts the user to update their latest video card drivers (if necessary)
• No knowledge needed of how mining works
• Free and decentralised - Open Source

How to use Groestlcoin Easyminer:
1. Unzip the zipfile
2. Run the RunMe.vbs file
3. Chose option 1 to start mining

It is appreciated if feedback of the following is provided:
1. Are you able to mine Groestlcoin with your cpu?
2. Are you able to mine Groestlcoin with your AMD graphic card?
3. Are you able to mine Groestlcoin with your nVidia graphic card?
4. Are you receiving coins in your wallet?
5. Does the autotuning feature work properly?

There is no warranty and no party shall be made liable to you for damages. If you lose coins due to this app or damage your CPU/GPU, no compensation will be given. Use this app solely at your own risk.

The application may have unfound bugs and problems. To leave feedback: 
1. PM me
2. Email: [email protected]
3. Post reports of erros in this topic.

Store your secret phrase somewhere safe!
Electrum-GRS creates an encrypted filename default_wallet instead of wallet.dat (like in Groestlcoin Core)
• Location of your wallet: Navigate to C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\Electrum-grs\wallets (or open windows explorer and enter %appdata%\Electryum-grs\wallets) and Back up your default_wallet file by making a copy of it and moving it to a secure location.

Download the Groestlcoin Easyminer here:

Source code:
Quote from: bronan on June 11, 2015, 12:16:06 AM
Soon going to test your vpn to see how it performs and if it is not slowing down too much :D

it was too slow for me
Community Projects / Re: Signatures
April 23, 2015, 11:40:02 AM
Quote from: groestlcoin on April 23, 2015, 11:31:10 AM
Thank you for the new signature. I've seen the code: what a BEAST! Poor guy whom had to code it... ;-) Job well done!



You are welcome! In order to get more awareness we needed a beastcode to get more attention.
Thank you for the compliments.

Best Regards,

New Users / Re: Welcome new users!
April 09, 2015, 03:54:56 PM

Inspirating story, feel free to show footangles and potential problems in Groestlcoin.

Best regards,


Quote from: bronan on April 03, 2015, 10:14:06 AM
Lets introduce myself:

I am a guy living with my lady near Zwolle in the netherlands
Started many years ago as a alpha tester at the seti program and donated many thousands of hours cpu time and later also huge loads of gpu power.
We made it as a team ( Team Elteor Borislavj ) which was only 7 persons to become even nr 5 at the world top list.
At some point UD research started a project to use cpu power to find medicine for certain illness and we would get paid a small amount when they succeed.
The project became a huge succes but the greed of the ones running the project, kept the billions of dollars they made for themselfs.

After i jumped back on several BOINC projects i kinda lost interrest in helping those projects, a friend in germany said have a look at what i am doing.
You probably guessed it Bitcoin so i fired up the good old cpu/gpu farm and farmed alot of coins, now back then they had kinda not much value.

At some point some people offered services for fun like buying pizza, hamburger, art, socks and  all that kinda normal stuff like t-shirts and coffee mugs.
So i spend alot on those and i admit i should have kept a bigger part for later :), but you can not change history.
Even a mistake with sending 5000 btc as fee was not gonna hurt anyone because they had no real value.

A few years later i wanted to shoot myself in the foot for spending these coins i did back then, and mess with the coins so easily :D
Anyway i ended up in the world of crypto and am one person who is known to show the footangles and potential problems.

I have several times warned for instance that they might get hacked, they laughed me off but less than a year later boooom hacked.

I worked as a network engineer for years and loved to build and install server systems.
At one point in time my head of department disappeared suddenly and the CEO asked me as a senior to take control.
So i became in time the reserve IT manager
I must admit i tried to ditch the job constant and kept trying to someone to take over the job, but many who got hired todo the job got fired or could not really handle the department well.
And i was put back in charge several times, at some point i decided to stay at the job and still am.

Currenty the crypto community is struggling to keep things going and the endless stream of new coins and bad news about the community will be a hard thing to get rid of in coming time. As you have noticed the crypto world is dominated mostly by very technical people.
And that is one of the largest footangles in the crypto industry, for us it all looks easy and handy but believe me its scary as hell for non tech people.
Even my wife does not go near any of it, or any of het friends. As a gamer i also know a larger portion of people and even these never go near crypto coins.
So i am kinda trying to find ways to get those non technical people into using the crypto coins.
The most important issue is still not resolved in the crypto industry, a way to make it all easy for absolute everyone and security ( NO not the coin but the failures from the person themselfs) see when you send of the coins they are gone no matter what.

Compare that to bank transfer if you made a mistake you can often get your money back or in case its send private you can ask the person to send it back.
Ofcourse some people will not but thats besides the point, another feature is the security that if something happens to for instance the banks the governements repay your losses up to a certain amount. Again in the crypto world its lost.

That does not mean your money is safe in all situations but often you have some kinda fail safe build in for situations, and lets be honest everyday you read about some kinda scam, disappearing company or even a crypto company who suddenly decides your money is not worth anything tommorow without even telling you upfront.

So are these people wrong not to get involved in crypto, if i am honest to myself i say "no" they are right there is much to be done.
That also brings us to alot of other questions to be answered and they are kinda constant being talked about.

So start to think about what we can do to make things easy and try to find ways to prevent some of the risks involved, which are lacking in the current crypto solutions.
People holding large amounts of coins, you are not helping by just holding them for get a quick buck.
If they are just sitting in your wallet they might end up like cinnicoin ( worthless )
You gotta use them to get the community going, ofcourse i can not stop people from being greedy thats seems to be one of less good things about humanity.
Only a few seem to understand that keeping thousands of coins in a wallet without using them nothing will happen.
Community Projects / Signatures
March 28, 2015, 01:45:22 PM

To raise more awareness for Groestlcoin we have the following signatures available for our community

Please PM me to get the signatures.

Best Regards


Instant HTML5 cross-platform Groestlcoin wallet, only controlled by you.

Groestlcoin is excited to announce our new HTML5 instant wallet, JSWallet. We've listened to the community and have created a fast, easy, sexy wallet that is cross-browser and platform compatible.
Sticking to our core philosophy we neither hold nor have access to users' Groestlcoins as all keys and info are stored client-side. Moreover, should our site ever go offline your wallet can be easily imported into another wallet system.
Create a wallet in under 5 seconds by moving your mouse around the screen (or finger on touch devices) without having to provide any user information. The client-side input of the motions generate entropy (randomness) which is couple with a random generator to create a Groestlcoin wallet.

You can consider JSWallet a hot wallet where your secret URL is your key, a key that can be further secured with a password should you so choose. JSWallet generates a brand new wallet with a public key. Look in the URL/address bar and you will see a random-looking string starting with '#' or hash – the code after the hash is your brain wallet seed, and is a 'secret link' not visible anywhere other than on your local browser. Either copy the full URL somewhere safe or bookmark it for future access.

• No logins required
• Optional passwords
• Works on multiple devices
• Create a brainwallet
• Groestlcoins stored on client-side
• Written in HTML5
• Takes only 5 seconds

Create your own URL by using a brainwallet. A brainwallet refers to a random passphrase that only you know. This allows you to easily remember your URL and type it on any browser to retrieve your wallet. Choosing a secure passphrase is critical. Typically a good passphrase is:
• At least 10 words long
• Use letters, capitals, numbers, and spaces
• Never been written in a book, song, or password system
• Easy for you to remember
• Impossible for someone to guess

It is appreciated if feedback of the following is provided:
1.  Can you receive coins? (small amounts to avoid losing them)
2.  Can you send coins?
3.  Can you scan a QR code from another phone?
4.  Do you hear a sound when sending and receiving?
5.  Does it work on all (mobile) browsers?
6.  Does the transaction takes couple of seconds??
7.  Does it calculate exchange rates properly?

Either copy the full URL somewhere safe or bookmark it for future access.
Even though the 'secret URL' is never stored on the Internet itself, most modern browsers will save every URL they see, meaning your new brain wallet may get saved too. That's handy if you're the only person using your machine, but more dangerous if you're using a shared or public computer. For this reason, the JSWallet team recommends setting a password, or using JSWallet only for quick transactions after which the new wallet is emptied and disposed of. Even if a hacker were to somehow gain access to a user's secret URL, a password would prevent them accessing your funds. Otherwise, be sure to clean out the browser's history as you would to get rid of any other embarrassing or unwanted URL record. While using multiple, easily created Groestlcoin addresses is a step toward anonymity and makes payments more difficult to tie to an individual.

The application may have unfound bugs and problems. To leave feedback: 
1. PM me
2. Email: [email protected]
3. Post reports of erros in this topic.

Source code will be online soon here: - JSwallet running in node.js

A BIP-0032/-0039/-0044 compatible Hierarchical Deterministic Groestlcoin Wallet

After a measure of hard work adapting the latest Wallet32 (v0.3.17) for Android to Groestlcoin, the Groestlcoin wallet32 beta (v0.1.3) is ready for testing. The app allows you to send and receive Groestlcoins on your device using QR codes and URI links. When using this app, please store your secret phrase and email them to yourself! Then your coins can be retrieved even if you loose your phone.

Groestlcoin wallet32 implementations:
BIP-0032 to implement a hierarchical deterministic wallet
BIP-0039 to implement a mnemonic code of mnemonic sentence for the generation of deterministic wallets (process for turning in into a BIP-0032 seed)
BIP-0044 to implement a logical hierarchy for deterministic wallets based on an algorithm described in BIP-0032 (specific format of a BIP-0032 wallet)

• Multiple logical "accounts" within each wallet.
• Fresh receive and change addresses are used for each transfer.
• Wallet only needs to be backed up once, on initial creation.
• Wallet backup consists of simple list of 12 common words (BIP-0039).
• Same wallet may be securely accessed concurrently from multiple devices.
• Wallet data is protected by Groestl passcode.
• Import paper wallets and sweep them.

It is appreciated if feedback of the following is provided:
1.  Can you receive coins? (small amounts to avoid losing them)
2.  Can you send coins?
3.  Can you scan a QR code from another phone.
4.  Can you request coins via email or other android service?
5.  How long does it take to sync the blockchain?
6.  How much space does it take up on your phone?
7.  Does it calculate exchange rates properly?

Store your secret phrase somewhere safe!

To close the app, simply press the back button until you reach your home screen.  The app will close itself (there is no need for a disconnect option). This application is licensed under the GPL version 3. There is no warranty and no party shall be made liable to you for damages. If you lose coins due to this app, no compensation will be given. Use this app solely at your own risk.

The application may have unfound bugs and problems. To leave feedback: 
1. PM hashengineering on bitcointalk:;u=155038
2. Email: [email protected]
3. Reports of errors can also be posted in this topic.

Groestlcoin Wallet32 is available in the Google play store:

Source code: - Groestlcoin Java Library (for the Android App and possibly other software) - The Groestlcoin wallet32 Android Source code