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Groestlcoin Network Info

Started by gruve_p, September 08, 2015, 04:57:03 PM

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Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Symbol = F
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Hex value = 0x24
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Decimal = 36
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Lead Symbol = 3
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Hex value : 0x05
Groestlcoin script hash (P2SH address) Decimal : 5
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Symbol = 5
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Hex value = 0x80
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Decimal = 128
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Symbols = K or L
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Hex value = 0x80
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Decimal = 128
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey lead symbol = xpub
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Hex value: 0x0488b21e
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Decimal: 4 136 178 30
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key lead Symbol = xprv
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Hex value: 0x0488ade4
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Decimal: 4 136 173 228
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic Hex value: 0xf9beb4d4
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic bytes = \xF9\xBE\xB4\xD4
Groestlcoin hrp = grs
P2P port: 1331
RPC port: 1441
Groestlcoin Genesis hash hex = 0x00000ac5927c594d49cc0bdb81759d0da8297eb614683d3acb62f0703b639023
Groestlcoin Genesis hash =
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash hex = 0x3ce968df58f9c8a752306c4b7264afab93149dbc578bd08a42c446caaa6628bb
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash =

Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Symbol = m or n
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Hex value = 0x6F
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Decimal = 111
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Lead Symbol = 2
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Hex value : 0xC4
Groestlcoin script hash (P2SH address) Decimal : 196
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Symbol = 9
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Hex value = 0xEF
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Decimal = 239
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Symbols = c
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Hex value = 0xEF
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Decimal = 239
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey lead symbol = tpub
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Hex value: 0x043587CF
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Decimal: 4 53 135 207
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key lead Symbol = tprv
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Hex value: 0x04358394
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Decimal: 4 53 131 148
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic Hex value: 0x0b110907
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic bytes = \x0B\x11\x09\x07
Groestlcoin hrp = tgrs
P2P port: 17777
RPC port: 17766
Groestlcoin Genesis hash hex = 0x000000ffbb50fc9898cdd36ec163e6ba23230164c0052a28876255b7dcf2cd36
Groestlcoin Genesis hash =
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash hex =  0x3ce968df58f9c8a752306c4b7264afab93149dbc578bd08a42c446caaa6628bb
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash =   

Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Symbol = m or n
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Hex value = 0x6F
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Decimal = 111
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Lead Symbol = 2
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Hex value : 0xC4
Groestlcoin script hash (P2SH address) Decimal : 196
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Symbol = 9
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Hex value = 0xEF
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Decimal = 239
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Symbols = c
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Hex value = 0xEF
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Decimal = 239
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey lead symbol = tpub
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Hex value: 0x043587CF
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Decimal: 4 53 135 207
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key lead Symbol = tprv
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Hex value: 0x04358394
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Decimal: 4 53 131 148
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic Hex value: 0xfabfb5da
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic bytes = \xFA\xBF\xB5\xDA
Groestlcoin hrp = grsrt
P2P port: 18888
RPC port: 18443
Groestlcoin Genesis hash hex = 0x000000ffbb50fc9898cdd36ec163e6ba23230164c0052a28876255b7dcf2cd36
Groestlcoin Genesis hash =
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash hex =  0x3ce968df58f9c8a752306c4b7264afab93149dbc578bd08a42c446caaa6628bb
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash =   

Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Symbol = m or n
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Hex value = 0x6F
Groestlcoin pubkey hash (P2PKH address) lead Decimal = 111
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Lead Symbol = 2
Groestlcoin Script hash (P2SH address) Hex value : 0xC4
Groestlcoin script hash (P2SH address) Decimal : 196
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Symbol = 9
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Hex value = 0xEF
Groestlcoin uncompressed private key lead Decimal = 239
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Symbols = c
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Hex value = 0xEF
Groestlcoin compressed private key lead Decimal = 239
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey lead symbol = tpub
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Hex value: 0x043587CF
Groestlcoin BIP32 pubkey Decimal: 4 53 135 207
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key lead Symbol = tprv
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Hex value: 0x04358394
Groestlcoin BIP32 private key Decimal: 4 53 131 148
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic Hex value: 0x6f892b8f
Groestlcoin NetworkMagic bytes = \x6F\x89\x2B\x8F
Groestlcoin hrp = tgrs
P2P port: 31331
RPC port: 31441
Groestlcoin Genesis hash hex = 0x0000007fcaa2a27993c6cde9e7818c254357af517b876ceba2f23592bb14ab31
Groestlcoin Genesis hash =
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash hex =  0x3ce968df58f9c8a752306c4b7264afab93149dbc578bd08a42c446caaa6628bb
Groestlcoin Genesis tx hash =