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Groestlcoin Core v2.18.2 Released

Started by jackielove4u, March 22, 2020, 08:22:14 PM

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A new major Groestlcoin Core version 2.18.2 is now available for download bringing both new features and bug fixes, so it is recommended to upgrade to it if you are running a full Groestlcoin node or a local Groestlcoin Core wallet.

v2.18.2 is now the official release version of Groestlcoin Core. On top of the new features, various bugfixes, updated translations and performance improvements. It is recommended to upgrade to this version as soon as possible.

What's new in version v2.18.2?
This is a major release of Groestlcoin Core with many protocol level improvements and code optimizations, featuring the technical equivalent of Bitcoin v0.18.2 but with Groestlcoin specific patches. On a general level, most of what is new is a new `groestlcoin-wallet` tool is now distributed alongside Groestlcoin Core's other executables.

• Builds are now done through Gitian
• Calls to `getblocktemplate` will fail if the segwit rule is not specified.  Calling `getblocktemplate` without segwit specified is almost certainly a misconfiguration since doing so results in lower rewards for the miner.  Failed calls will produce an error message describing how to enable the segwit rule.
• A warning is printed if an unrecognized section name is used in the configuration file.  Recognized sections are `[test]`, `[main]`, and `[regtest]`.
• Four new options are available for configuring the maximum number of messages that ZMQ will queue in memory (the "high water mark") before dropping additional messages.  The default value is 1,000, the same as was used for previous releases.
• The `rpcallowip` option can no longer be used to automatically listen on all network interfaces.  Instead, the `rpcbind` parameter must be used to specify the IP addresses to listen on.  Listening for RPC commands over a public network connection is insecure and should be disabled, so a warning is now printed if a user selects such a configuration.  If you need to expose RPC in order to use a tool like Docker, ensure you only bind RPC to your localhost, e.g. `docker run [...] -p` (this is an extra `:1441` over the normal Docker port specification).
• The `rpcpassword` option now causes a startup error if the password set in the configuration file contains a hash character (#), as it's ambiguous whether the hash character is meant for the password or as a comment.
• The `whitelistforcerelay` option is used to relay transactions from whitelisted peers even when not accepted to the mempool. This option now defaults to being off, so that changes in policy and disconnect/ban behavior will not cause a node that is whitelisting another to be dropped by peers.
• A new short about the JSON-RPC interface describes cases where the results of anRPC might contain inconsistencies between data sourced from differentsubsystems, such as wallet state and mempool state.
• A new document ( about the `groestlcoin.conf` file describes how to use it to configure Groestlcoin Core.
• A new document introduces Groestlcoin Core's BIP174 ( interface, which is used to allow multiple programs to collaboratively work to create, sign, and broadcast new transactions. This is usefulfor offline (cold storage) wallets, multisig wallets, coinjoin implementations, and many other cases where two or more programs needto interact to generate a complete transaction.
• The output script descriptor ( has been updated with information about new features in this still-developing language for describing the output scripts that a wallet or other program wants to receive notifications for, such as which addresses it wants to know received payments.  The language is currently used in multiple new and updated RPCs described in these release notes and is expected to be adapted to other RPCs and to the underlying wallet structure.
• A new `--disable-bip70` option may be passed to `./configure` toprevent Groestlcoin-Qt from being built with support for the BIP70 paymentprotocol or from linking libssl. As the payment protocol has exposed Groestlcoin Core to libssl vulnerabilities in the past, builders who don't need BIP70 support are encouraged to use this option to reduce theirexposure to future vulnerabilities.
• The minimum required version of Qt (when building the GUI) has been increased from 5.2 to 5.5.1 (the depends system provides 5.9.7)
• `getnodeaddresses` returns peer addresses known to this node. It maybe used to find nodes to connect to without using a DNS seeder.
• `listwalletdir` returns a list of wallets in the wallet directory (either the default wallet directory or the directory configured bythe `-walletdir` parameter).
• `getrpcinfo` returns runtime details of the RPC server. At the moment, it returns an array of the currently active commands and how longthey've been running.
• `deriveaddresses` returns one or more addresses corresponding to an output descriptor.
• `getdescriptorinfo` accepts a descriptor and returns information aboutit, including its computed checksum.
• `joinpsbts` merges multiple distinct PSBTs into a single PSBT. The multiple PSBTs must have different inputs. The resulting PSBT will contain every input and output from all of the PSBTs. Any signatures provided in any of the PSBTs will be dropped.
• `analyzepsbt` examines a PSBT and provides information about whatthe PSBT contains and the next steps that need to be taken in order to complete the transaction. For each input of a PSBT, `analyze psbt`provides information about what information is missing for that input, including whether a UTXO needs to be provided, what pubkeysstill need to be provided, which scripts need to be provided, and what signatures are still needed. Every input will also list which role is needed to complete that input, and `analyzepsbt` will also list the next role in general needed to complete the PSBT. `analyzepsbt` will also provide the estimated fee rate and estimatedvirtual size of the completed transaction if it has enough information to do so.
• `utxoupdatepsbt` searches the set of Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) to find the outputs being spent by the partial transaction. PSBTs need to have the UTXOs being spent to be provided because the signing algorithm requires information from the UTXO being spent. For segwit inputs, only the UTXO itself is necessary. For non-segwit outputs, the entire previous transaction is needed so that signers can be sure that they are signing the correct thing. Unfortunately, because the UTXO set only contains UTXOs and not full transactions, `utxoupdatepsbt` will only add the UTXO for segwit inputs.
• `getpeerinfo` now returns an additional `minfeefilter` field set tothe peer's BIP133 fee filter.  You can use this to detect that you have peers that are willing to accept transactions below the default minimum relay fee.
• The mempool RPCs, such as `getrawmempool` with `verbose=true`, nowreturn an additional "bip125-replaceable" value indicating whether thetransaction (or its unconfirmed ancestors) opts-in to asking nodes and miners to replace it with a higher-feerate transaction spending any ofthe same inputs.
• `settxfee` previously silently ignored attempts to set the fee belowthe allowed minimums.  It now prints a warning. The special value of"0" may still be used to request the minimum value.
• `getaddressinfo` now provides an `ischange` field indicating whetherthe wallet used the address in a change output.
• `importmulti` has been updated to support P2WSH, P2WPKH, P2SH-P2WPKH,and P2SH-P2WSH. Requests for P2WSH and P2SH-P2WSH accept an additional `witnessscript` parameter.
• `importmulti` now returns an additional `warnings` field for eachrequest with an array of strings explaining when fields are being ignored or are inconsistent, if there are any.
• `getaddressinfo` now returns an additional `solvable` boolean field when Groestlcoin Core knows enough about the address's scriptPubKey, optional redeemScript, and optional witnessScript in order for the wallet to be able to generate an unsigned input spending funds sent to that address.
• The `getaddressinfo`, `listunspent`, and `scantxoutset` RPCs now return an additional `desc` field that contains an output descriptor containing all key paths and signing information for the address (except for the private key). The `desc` field is only returned for `getaddressinfo` and `listunspent` when the address is solvable.
• `importprivkey` will preserve previously-set labels for addresses orpublic keys corresponding to the private key being imported. For example, if you imported a watch-only address with the label "coldwallet" in earlier releases of Groestlcoin Core, subsequently importing the private key would default to resetting the address's label to the default empty-string label ("").  In this release, the previous label of "cold wallet" will be retained. If you optionally specify any label besides the default when calling `importprivkey`, the new label will be applied to the address.
• `getmininginfo` now omits `currentblockweight` and `currentblocktx` when a block was never assembled via RPC on this node.
• The `getrawtransaction` RPC & REST endpoints no longer check the unspent UTXO set for a transaction. The remaining behaviors are as follows:
1. If a blockhash is provided, check the corresponding block.
2. If no blockhash is provided, check the mempool.
3. If no blockhash is provided but txindex is enabled, also check txindex.
• `unloadwallet` is now synchronous, meaning it will not return until the wallet is fully unloaded.
• `importmulti` now supports importing of addresses from descriptors. A "desc" parameter can be provided instead of the "scriptPubKey" in are quest, as well as an optional range for ranged descriptors to specify the start and end of the range to import. Descriptors with key origin information imported through `importmulti` will have their key origin information stored in the wallet for use with creating PSBTs.
• `listunspent` has been modified so that it also returns `witnessScript`, the witness script in the case of a P2WSH orP2SH-P2WSH output.
• `createwallet` now has an optional `blank` argument that can be used to create a blank wallet. Blank wallets do not have any keys or HDseed. They cannot be opened in software older than 2.18.2. Once a blankwallet has a HD seed set (by using `sethdseed`) or private keys, scripts, addresses, and other watch only things have been imported, the wallet is no longer blank and can be opened in 2.17.2. Encrypting a blank wallet will also set a HD seed for it.
• `signrawtransaction` is removed after being deprecated and hidden behind a special configuration option in version 2.17.2.
• The 'account' API is removed after being deprecated in v2.17.2 The'label' API was introduced in v2.17.2 as a replacement for accounts. See the [release notes from v2.17.2]( for a full description of the changes from the 'account' API to the 'label' API.
• `addwitnessaddress` is removed after being deprecated in version 2.16.0.
• `generate` is deprecated and will be fully removed in a subsequent major version. This RPC is only used for testing, but its implementation reached across multiple subsystems (wallet and mining), so it is being deprecated to simplify the wallet-node interface. Projects that are using `generate` for testing purposes should transition to using the `generatetoaddress` RPC, which does not require or use the wallet component. Calling `generatetoaddress` with an address returned by the `getnewaddress` RPC gives the same functionality as the old `generate` RPC.  To continue using `generate` in this version, restart groestlcoind with the `-deprecatedrpc=generate` configuration option.
• Be reminded that parts of the `validateaddress` command have been deprecated and moved to `getaddressinfo`. The following deprecated fields have moved to `getaddressinfo`: `ismine`, `iswatchonly`,`script`, `hex`, `pubkeys`, `sigsrequired`, `pubkey`, `embedded`,`iscompressed`, `label`, `timestamp`, `hdkeypath`, `hdmasterkeyid`.
• The `addresses` field has been removed from the `validateaddress`and `getaddressinfo` RPC methods. This field was confusing since it referred to public keys using their P2PKH address. Clients should use the `embedded.address` field for P2SH or P2WSH wrapped addresses, and `pubkeys` for inspecting multisig participants.
• A new `/rest/blockhashbyheight/` endpoint is added for fetching thehash of the block in the current best blockchain based on its height (how many blocks it is after the Genesis Block).
• A new Window menu is added alongside the existing File, Settings, and Help menus. Several items from the other menus that opened new windows have been moved to this new Window menu.
• In the Send tab, the checkbox for "pay only the required fee" has been removed. Instead, the user can simply decrease the value in the Custom Feerate field all the way down to the node's configured minimumrelay fee.
• In the Overview tab, the watch-only balance will be the only balance shown if the wallet was created using the `createwallet` RPC and the`disable_private_keys` parameter was set to true.
• The launch-on-startup option is no longer available on macOS if compiled with macosx min version greater than 10.11 (useCXXFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.11" CFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.11" for setting the deployment sdkversion)
• A new `groestlcoin-wallet` tool is now distributed alongside Groestlcoin Core's other executables.  Without needing to use any RPCs, this tool can currently create a new wallet file or display some basic information about an existing wallet, such as whether the wallet is encrypted, whether it uses an HD seed, how many transactions it contains, and how many address book entries it has.
• Since version 2.16.0, Groestlcoin Core's built-in wallet has defaulted to generating P2SH-wrapped segwit addresses when users want to receive payments. These addresses are backwards compatible with all widely-used software. Starting with Groestlcoin Core 2.20.1 (expected about a year after 2.18.2), Groestlcoin Core will default to native segwitaddresses (bech32) that provide additional fee savings and other benefits. Currently, many wallets and services already support sendingto bech32 addresses, and if the Groestlcoin Core project sees enough additional adoption, it will instead default to bech32 receiving addresses in Groestlcoin Core 2.19.1. P2SH-wrapped segwit addresses will continue to be provided if the user requests them in the GUI or by RPC, and anyone who doesn't want the update will be able to configure their default address type. (Similarly, pioneering users who want to change their default now may set the `addresstype=bech32` configuration option in any Groestlcoin Core release from 2.16.0 up.)
• BIP 61 reject messages are now deprecated. Reject messages have no usecase on the P2P network and are only logged for debugging by most network nodes. Furthermore, they increase bandwidth and can be harmful for privacy and security. It has been possible to disable BIP 61 messages since v2.17.2 with the `-enablebip61=0` option. BIP 61 messages will be disabled by default in a future version, before being removed entirely.
• The `submitblock` RPC previously returned the reason a rejected block was invalid the first time it processed that block, but returned a generic "duplicate" rejection message on subsequent occasions it processed the same block. It now always returns the fundamental reason for rejecting an invalid block and only returns "duplicate" forvalid blocks it has already accepted.
• A new `submitheader` RPC allows submitting block headers independently from their block. This is likely only useful for testing.
• The `signrawtransactionwithkey` and `signrawtransactionwithwallet` RPCs have been modified so that they also optionally accept a `witnessScript`, the witness script in the case of a P2WSH orP2SH-P2WSH output. This is compatible with the change to `listunspent`.
• For the `walletprocesspsbt` and `walletcreatefundedpsbt` RPCs, if the`bip32derivs` parameter is set to true but the key metadata for a public key has not been updated yet, then that key will have a derivation path as if it were just an independent key (i.e. no derivation path and its master fingerprint is itself).
• The `-usehd` configuration option was removed in version 2.16.0 From that version onwards, all new wallets created are hierarchical deterministic wallets. This release makes specifying `-usehd` an invalid configuration option.
• This release allows peers that your node automatically disconnected for misbehavior (e.g. sending invalid data) to reconnect to your node if you have unused incoming connection slots. If your slots fill up, a misbehaving node will be disconnected to make room for nodes without a history of problems (unless the misbehaving node helps your node in some other way, such as by connecting to a part of the Internet from which you don't have many other peers). Previously, Groestlcoin Core banned the IP addresses of misbehaving peers for a period of time (default of 1 day); this was easily circumvented by attackers with multiple IP addresses. If you manually ban a peer, such as by using the `setban` RPC, all connections from that peer will still be rejected.
• The key metadata will need to be upgraded the first time that the HDseed is available. For unencrypted wallets this will occur on wallet loading. For encrypted wallets this will occur the first time the wallet is unlocked.
• Newly encrypted wallets will no longer require restarting the software. Instead such wallets will be completely unloaded and reloaded to achieve the same effect.
• A sub-project of Bitcoin Core now provides Hardware Wallet Interaction (HWI) scripts that allow command-line users to use several popular hardware key management devices with Groestlcoin Core. See their [projectpage]( for details.
• This release changes the Random Number Generator (RNG) used from OpenSSL to Groestlcoin Core's own implementation, although entropygathered by Groestlcoin Core is fed out to OpenSSL and then read back in when the program needs strong randomness. This moves Groestlcoin Core a little closer to no longer needing to depend on OpenSSL, a dependency that has caused security issues in the past. The new implementation gathers entropy from multiple sources, including from hardware supporting the rdseed CPU instruction.
• On macOS, Groestlcoin Core now opts out of application CPU throttling ("app nap") during initial blockchain download, when catching up fromover 100 blocks behind the current chain tip, or when reindexing chaindata. This helps prevent these operations from taking an excessively long time because the operating system is attempting to conserve power.

The application may have unfound bugs and problems. Please report using the issue tracker at github:

• There is no warranty and no party shall be made liable to you for damages. If you lose coins due to this app, no compensation will be given. Use this app solely at your own risk.
• Encrypt your wallet. This can be done by clicking the settings menu from inside the wallet. Make sure your password is secure and do not forget it.
• Make a copy your wallet.dat file as a backup and move it to a secure location:
Location Windows: Navigate to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\groestlcoin\wallet.dat (or open windows explorer and enter %appdata%\Groestlcoin\wallet.dat)
Location Mac: Finder -> Go {Hold Option] -> Library -> groestlcoin -> wallet.dat (~/Library/Application Support/groestlcoin/wallet.dat)

While this branch has been extensively tested to be compatible with the existing Groestlcoin v2.11.0, v2.13.3, v2.16.0, v2.16.3 and v2.17.2 network there is the possibility that we missed something. ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR GROESTLCOIN WALLET BEFORE UPGRADING.

How to Upgrade?
Windows: If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the installer.
OSX: If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), run the dmg and drag Groestlcoin Core to Applications.
Ubuntu users:
Linux users:

Download the Windows Installer (64 bit) here:
Download the Windows Installer (32 bit) here:
Download the Windows binaries (64 bit) here:
Download the Windows binaries (32 bit) here:
Download the OSX Installer here:
Download the OSX binaries here:
Download the Linux binaries (64 bit) here:
Download the Linux binaries (32 bit) here:
Download the ARM Linux binaries (64 bit) here:
Download the ARM Linux binaries (32 bit) here:

Source code: